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Lemaan Yilmedu Women’s Division Celebrates It’s First Siyum

Lemaan Yilmedu Women’s Division Celebrates It’s First Siyum

Over the past year, more than 80 women have devoted their Sunday mornings to delving into practical Halacha in the realms of Shabbos, Kashrus, and Taharas Hamishpacha. Coming together on Sunday, in person and over zoom, these women celebrated all that hard work.

Seder Nashim introduces an Advanced Mastery Course in Hilchos Shabbos

Seder Nashim introduces an Advanced Mastery Course in Hilchos Shabbos

Following a successful first year, Lemaan Yilemdu is introducing a new advanced track for women in the Seder Nashim program. For the knowledge-driven woman who wants to delve into the underpinnings and reasons of the halochos, this course with Rabbi Yossi Barber is for you!

Seder Nashim is now open for its second year registration!

Seder Nashim is now open for its second year registration!

After a successful first year with over 80 participants, Lemaan Yilemdu invites you to join their intensive higher-education program tailored for the knowledge-driven woman. Enhance your life by mastering subjects in Halacha and immerse in advance Torah knowledge in order to live, learn, and grow.

Over 40 Women Kick Off ‘Seder Nashim’ Program

Over 40 Women Kick Off ‘Seder Nashim’ Program

This week, Machon Lemaan Yilmedu's first cohort of "Seder Nashim," an in-depth halacha learning program for women, began with over forty women.

Introducing Seder Nashim

Introducing Seder Nashim

Lemaan Yilemdu invites you to join an intensive higher-education program tailored for the knowledge-driven woman. Enhance your life by mastering subjects in Halacha and immerse in advance Torah knowledge in order to live, learn, and lead.


Every woman
Can become a master.
Yes, You Too.

At the end of the program, you will have matriculated with a mastery in essential Torah subjects and receive a certificate of completion