Where women learn

in order to

Lemaan Yilmedu invites you to join an intensive higher-education program tailored for the knowledge-driven woman. Offering two separate tracks to appeal to all styles of learning, enhance your life by immersing in advanced Torah knowledge in order to live, learn, and grow.

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What our graduates say

“My husband took the Shabbos course with Lemaan Yilmedu and loved every moment of the experience. He appreciated the attention to detail and how practical the English lessons were. Now it’s my turn to experience the higher learning of Lemaan Yilmedu!”

Miami, Florida

“Now that I have the time in my life, I am excited to take the time to continue my education in Torah learning. What an opportunity to expand our minds and learn from the best!”

Montreal, Canada

“With all the courses offered in the world, I’ve always wanted to take a course in something actually meaningful and practical in my life. Not since seminary have I had a chance to learn Torah on a deeper level like this.”

Crown Heights, NY

Our Programs

One program, a one year, 3-semester course encompassing a woman's three essential mitzvos in depth.

The second program, a one year, text based course that dives into the intricate details of Hilchos Shabbos.

Seder Nashim

Seder Nashim is not your ordinary Halacha class. It is your opportunity to join like-minded women embarking on a journey of immersing in Torah and becoming an expert on relevant Halachos in day-to-day life. It is your chance to study with the best educators and teachers in the field in a professional, engaging, and convenient setting!

Our Brooklyn Center

A spacious Beis Medrash in the heart of Crown Heights

Our center serves as the hub for our in-person classes and a place for students to study on their own, review the material and prepare for exams, all in an environment conducive to learning.

About us

Study Conveniently

Choose one of our convenient learning options


Our conveniently located Brooklyn center, in the heart of Crown Heights, offers in-person classes and a conducive atmosphere.


Tune in to our virtual classroom from anywhere. Classes are live or recorded and designed to replicate a traditional classroom experience.


Can't sit down for a class? On the road? Podcast format available for on-the-go learners.

The Rebbe’s call for women

‘A Woman’s Role in Bringing Moshiach’

There should be an increase in the aspects of service associated with women: the lighting of the Shabbos and Yom-Tov candles, kashrus, and family purity. May it be G‑d’s will that through the service of Jewry (women), especially in those aspects pertaining to women, we speedily merit the marriage of G‑d and Jewry (man and woman) in the future era.
—The Rebbe, Vov Tishrei 5745.

The Experience


Relevant Subjects and Material

Our courses and lessons focus on pertinent halachos in a Jewish woman’s day-to-day life. The classes are centered on actionable mitzvos in practical terms.


Our teachers are all experts in their fields and excel in clarity and making things practical. Every teacher is dedicated to seeing the success of their students and ensuring you are prepared for the exams.

Exclusive English
Study Aids Package

Our in-house team has created study aids on every topic in clear, crisp English. Visualizations and diagrams ensure the material is readily grasped, and summaries mean full retention of the subject matter.

and Guidance

Our staff are always there for you, ready to answer any questions during or after class. A dedicated online forum facilitates robust discussion between students and teachers even after class is over.

Our Exclusive Curriculum

Designed by an in-house team of scholars, our syllabus is all in English, including our exclusive booklets of summaries and visualizations. The curriculum is structured to appeal to learners of all kinds. Whether you are a visual, auditory or logical learner, you will leave with a firm grasp of the material.

Visionary Founder

Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm OBM

Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, of blessed memory, was the vision behind Lemaan Yilmedu. A man devoted to teaching Torah and Halacha, he remains the inspiration behind our activities.

Our learning is dedicated in loving memory of Rabbi Wilhelm.

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Reads what others have to say about our program

Every woman
Can become a master.
Yes, You Too.

At the end of the program, you will have matriculated with a mastery in essential Torah subjects and receive a certificate of completion